Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Time to take control of your life is now...

If you are like most people, you are waiting for something to come around and shake you to wake you up and make you change.

Or worse yet, you are waiting for things around you to change for your life to be better.

The fact is only you can make changes that will ultimately help you make your life what you want it to be.

We are all operating on habitual thinking and habitual actions and the only way to make lasting change is to change your habits.

One of the best programs available on the market to help make changes to your habits is located at .

This program will help you make lasting and permanent changes that will help you achieve the success you have been looking to make.

The choice is yours and you can take control and make lasting change for your life.

Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,

John Clark,

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Perception is Reality

This is a very hard concept to come to grips with.

The fact is that it's the other person perception of you that will make all the difference.

You may think your a nice person or a caring person, but if the people around you don't see you in that manner than chances are pretty good that your not.

This is a very hard pill to swallow.

Perception is Reality!

You need to be open to the thoughts and perceptions of those around you. And you must be willing to humble to change if it makes a difference to you.

I often listening to stories of some people who go to several different restaurants but they never get any good service. No matter where they go.

Now we're talking about completely different restaurants, different waitresses and waiters.

Now my question is... have all the restaurants conspired against this one person to provide horrible service.

Or if you ask the staff of all these places do you think the perception of this person would be one of a kind person.

My guess is probably not.

It's the number of people who have the same perception of you that you should pay attention too.

Remember Perception is Reality, we need to be humble enough and open to constructive advice. The key is humility.

Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,

John Clark

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Sometimes Getting Out of a Jam requires Effort

No matter what situation you find yourself in, whether it is financial, weight or relationship problems, it can be worked out with positive effort.

The key is to get your feet moving. The more time you spend pondering your problems, the less time you have to get out of the problem.

Find the book, the mentor, the audio program that will help you get past the limitations you have set to be in this situation to begin with.

Start today!

Here's to your LifetoSuccess,

John Clark

Saturday, March 3, 2007

The ONE Thing More Important Than Goal Setting

Your Self Image is more important than any goal you can set.

If your self image is not congruent with the goal you want to achieve you won't get to the end result.

You need to make sure you can visually see in your minds eye the end result with you in it. And you need to keep that picture fresh in your mind. And you need to make it clearer and clearer everyday.

The best time to put this picture in your mind is first thing in the morning right after you wake up. And then right before you go to sleep.

These times are the best times to embed these pictures in your subconscious mind.

This is a wonderful way to achieve what you have want in life.

Try it today and everyday.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Success, One Moment at a Time...

Success is a very obscure thought. And many people have their own opinion of what success is.

I believe success is living your life the best you know how one moment at a time, constantly making adjustments as you go.

A successful life is made by living one successful moment at a time. And not giving up if you find a setback.

Keep your goal in front of you every step of the way. And keeping yourself focused on your goal not the setback.

I don't know what success means to you but I hope you are living one successful moment at a time.

Here's to your LifetoSuccess,

John Clark,